Sunny Bridge is designed to bypass disrupted postal routes between countries.
Most countries around the world have certain restrictions on sending or receiving international mail. For example, at the beginning of 2024, Azerbaijan does not send mail to 194 countries, UAE – to 137, Russia – to 90.
The easiest way is to note when writing the recipient's address that the postcard should be sent in transit through an intermediate country.
So, at the moment, postcards between the USA and Russia can be delivered through Germany. However, intermediate countries can close transit at any time. Or your note requesting transit may be ignored by postal services. In addition, there are situations when options with transit countries do not exist in principle.
If you absolutely need to send a postcard to a country with which mail exchange is limited, or vice versa, to receive a postcard from there, you can try to find a forwarding intermediary in a third country. This step lengthens delivery times and increases the likelihood of postcard being lost in transit when adding a new section of the route, so the services of intermediaries should be resorted to when there are no other options.
Sunny Bridge is one such forwarding services that forwards mail through Turkey, where there are not many broken routes.
The Sunny Bridge forwarding service is a non-profit project and exists on the personal funds of the owner and donations received. For this reason, mail forwarding may be discontinued at any time without prior notice.
There is no charge for delivering items, but there are monthly limits on the amount the forwarding service owner can spend on this project. For this reason, shipment of cards may be delayed until the next payday.
By default, only postcards without envelopes are accepted for forwarding. If you need to forward letters or cards in envelopes, contact the forwarding service owner in advance, but you will most likely have to pay postage.
No item sent by parcel post will be accepted, as local customs are extremely greedy and time-consuming. However, SIM cards and bank cards can be sent upon prior request. To sum it up: You can send everything you can to a public mailbox on the street.
When sending a postcard to our forwarding service, you must leave space for stamps. Minimum 3x4 cm. Otherwise we will have to cover some of your stamps or another part of the card. It is highly recommended that you print the address of the primary recipient (our Sunny Bridge forwarding service) on a thermal printer on a sticker that can be easily removed without leaving marks. Otherwise, we will have to stick the final destination address on top of the original forwarding address.
Before sending, check the availability of the route on the website Postal Monitor. It is necessary to check that the route from the sending country to Turkey and from Turkey to the receiving country is not blocked.
To use the Sunny Bridge forwarding service, you need to go through registration. A real email address is required to which a link will be sent to activate your account. After activation, a virtual mailbox will be created for you, to which you can link your real email address.
The owner of the forwarding service will be happy to receive a postcard from you as a token of appreciation for using the service, but this is completely optional.
The owner of a forwarding service has limited funds, so financial support will help process mail more consistently. Accepting small amounts of money is difficult due to high fees and bureaucracy, so at the moment the only available option is cryptocurrency.
Use assets with minimal transfer costs, such as DOGE or TRX, they allow you to make transfers almost free of charge.
Wallet for Tron blockchain-based assets such as USDT - TTLSv2W8wuhLagHfShjmEox6AJzoyosV9Y.
DOGE wallet - D5XVSK7e3xRPyMjNtpQ7a8ztRTJYp67vgK.
LTC wallet - MJE4nPoSWdLS3hDKUAT3LDLyxDY2EhmmoA.
If you would like to transfer other assets, please contact the forwarding service owner.
If our forwarding service turns out to be in demand, then it is possible to open additional services in the field of postcrossing and postcard exchange.